Apex Intelligentia


We love challenges which push us forward and we strive to deliver utmost excellence on every Project we get assigned

our service

Security Consultation

Security, a small word which brings in a cluster of probable mishaps in our mind when we tend to realize the clarity of our surrounding. Done are the days when only companies with huge number of employees and government organizations required security, as per the current socioeconomic crisis we are under the security of each and every individual is at stake varying in degrees of severity.

The watchman sitting beside the entrance is no longer the ideal security song to play nor is it if you plan to carry arms, the best offense is perhaps when you have a great defence and thus with the latest cyber gadgets and the technical and legal know how we provide tailored security consultations and risk assessments for each individual / enterprise categories as per their levels of existence and their economic and social worth.

Client confidentiality is of utmost importance as we do not entertain third party interactions their by limiting the exposure of the assignment to limited numbers and in turn decreasing the chances of leaking unwanted information which might hamper the client or the ongoing investigation / assignment.

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