Apex Intelligentia


We love challenges which push us forward and we strive to deliver utmost excellence on every Project we get assigned

our service

Threat Assessment

We live where we can how we can when we can, yes the phrase might sound a bit over toned but the fact of the matter is someone or the other is planning of plotting behind our backs and we try to live a step closer to the safe zone from harms away.

Violence is not a new word but it has several precursors before we get to see the real show, some of them being occasional verbal abuse, stalking, misconceptions or denial, career conflict or office rivalry, social outcast and as we all know the list goes on.

But are we destined to live as things go by ? Definitively NO. We have adequate legal measures which we can seek for aid if things go beyond control or else we can always initiate a preventive / protective actions which we aid in by which we assess / investigate the case at hand and point the areas which requires actions to prevent damages.

Client confidentiality is of utmost importance as we do not entertain third party interactions their by limiting the exposure of the assignment to limited numbers and in turn decreasing the chances of leaking unwanted information which might hamper the client or the ongoing investigation / assignment.

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